Zecco.com Live 0ct. 9th – my biggest shot ever

Posted on September 21, 2006. Filed under: VentureOfMine, web |

www.Zecco.com – The time is now for a disruptive approach aimed at the US brokerage industry. There is absolutely no reason consumers should accept paying anywhere from $10 to $20 for a service that is easy to provide at no charge at all.

Since the arrival of online brokerages in the early 1990’s aggressive competition have helped reduce commissions from an initial high of $40. But while competition remains fierce massive customer acquisition costs makes it difficult for the industries larger players to reduce cost further.

Press release

Mentioning – Zecco on News.Google.com

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11 Responses to “Zecco.com Live 0ct. 9th – my biggest shot ever”

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Congratulations Morten! This will be fun to watch! Schwab eat your heart up!

[…] Outlandish, you say? Well, Lund funded Skype, the Internet telephone company which shook up the telecom industry, and he declares “there is absolutely no reason consumers should accept paying anywhere from $10 to $20 for a service that is easy to provide at no charge at all.” He says Zecco is his “biggest shot ever.” He is not disclosing the amount he has invested. […]

Congrats – awesome

I have an internet vlog show that we need to talk about launching in ocyober – http://www.wallstrip.com

Thumbs up from San Francisco! Congrats

[…] Outlandish, you say? Well, Lund (pictured here) funded Skype, the Internet telephone company which shook up the telecom industry, and he declares “there is absolutely no reason consumers should accept paying anywhere from $10 to $20 for a service that is easy to provide at no charge at all.” He says Zecco is his “biggest shot ever.”” […]

Super fedt eksekvering på designet.
Og hvis trading-funktionen bliver tilstrækkelig, er jeg sikker på i rammer plet med denne her. Tillykke med launch.

I don’t believe it. Mr Lund thinks that reducing the per trade charge of $8/9 from the current value to zero dollars is where the big money is. The business model should allow more trades to happen, which is where the big money is and not just reducing the per trade charge. This is counter-intuitive. The advertisment revenue will not be a big money maker. If this was the case then Yahoo, Ebay and/or Eric from Google would have done this already. Nowhere in Zecco’s press announcement or interviews are they talking about how they will increase the number of trades that happen. For this model to make more money one would have thought about trying to increase the number of trades, which will funnel more money in and more money flowing in and out of the market.
I definitely would like to have a word with Mr. Lund to understand what he saw in this venture. Maybe I will also hit it big like him after I understand his secret.


Best of luck. Shake ’em up.

Sounds great to me.

Did you forget to renew the domain name though? Today when I point to it (thru ComCast high speed internet ISP) I get one of those “zecco.com is for sale make an offer” websites…

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